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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Returning to my blog

it  has been a long while ...life again has returned to my fingers and camera...it has been one year and and four months since my mom passed..I have only half been inside me and my camera....I can count many many many photos since then and many writes on my other blog  but it just seem to be an effort to return  to all around me.....a little here and a little there..but never all at once at any thing ...I want to  really I do  ...I want to return to normal  ...What is normal ....life right now is like all the curls in the flower's petals ...winding  here and there....

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Rebecca Weatherford

Rebecca Weatherford: Click "Collect Me" to help me win a New York City photo exhibition and a$25,000 cash grant: One Life Photography Competition

Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Memorable Job Interview

Sorry Plinky I never had a job interview.I go married really young started family.But then when my husband retired from military ,we became small business owners. Being the co-owner of a business .I was either giving the interview or allowing one of the other owners to give the interview.....I can tell you some things that did not help you get a job in our business....we had a small factory that meant you worked with others.you got dirty from sawdust and sand paper grit,so with that being said ,we still expected you to come to the interview clean,we expected you to sit up straight and answer questions in a clear understandable voice,we expected you to asks questions as well, but most of all we wanted you to remember we were the ones offering the job not you .

Now you have me on a roll....here are some of the type of people that came for interviews

young mothers with children in tow

young men with beer cans in hand

old men with dirty tee shirts and nasty beer breathe

people who told us right off the top they could not work for less then ( you can fill in the amount )because they had a college degree

ladies (use the term lightly ) with halter tops on three sizes to small

older people who let you know that they did not take orders from people younger then them

and of course there were the people that only wanted cash payments because a check meant they would loss their benefit checks

Hope this helps with this prompt ....

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

If I Had One Hour in a Time Machine...

the image is from my collection ...visit my blog to see the correct version ..


One hour ... in a time machine .....where to?????????????? to the tiny particle of dust just above the beginning of the earth please..front row please...warm cup of coffee please... oh my goodness to sit or stand ?.... ..probably stand it would be a great moment in time .one such always stand at important times......to view the eruption of all ... to hear the tearing of space .... to see and feel the rumble of the power of a new beginning ...watching the earth become earth .... to be able to know what is now and see where it all began .....it is 5 am Alaska time looking out my window right now back here on earth there is a METEOR SHOWER....it is cloudy with some breaks in the dark sky but every now and then one can see a bright flash ....or a streaking star.....one can only envision the beginning with all the flashes and rumbles and eruptions of a new plant in its birth but if one could go back and see this ...our thinking would be so focused on life in a different way ...so fly me to the open spaces of time please .......

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Sunday, January 2, 2011

What I Want to be Remembered For

What do you want to be remembered for?

Vanity is a real problem isn't it ?To even answer makes me think of being vane ...If I am gone I am gone ...I would not know one way or another whether someone remembered me or not ...

I want it all now , not later...if you like me tell me now ..if my art catches your eyes or heart, you only have tell me now. I may even give you a print....if you are unhappy with me tell me ....maybe I can change....or maybe you can help me change

I would hope I was not living each day to impress someone later....I am probably saying this all wrong ....but it is about now not later ...if you can not get it right here and now , it won't matter later......I don't want to be remembered for anything other then being me ...the me you know right now .....I want to live to be 120 ...right now I am not doing anything out of everyday living to make it a fact ..but that being the case ,I am still trying to be able to reach 120 years of living on this plant....I want to taste foods ,breathe air ,walk on top of mountains and love doing what the camera lens sees or the paint brush and paints imparts on canvas..I want to see things from all sides ,view things from all angles .Paint skies red when they are blue and see into the eyes of others...I want to live not think about death and what someone might think after I am gone .....

The egg photo was done for the A group I belong to on Flickr ..the ides was New .....what is an egg but New ..

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My Favorite Sound

Baby Laughs

My Favourite sound is a baby laughing ............

Liking this sound is a no brainier ...they laugh from the depths of the body ...their eyes light up ..they hiccup the sounds from the belly ...it rolls up from within them...they are just bundles of pure joy over flowing ...one can not be near babies laughing with out laughing ....

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

motto don't need one

Well I needed to look this up ...the below info is what I found


–noun, plural -toes, -tos.


a maxim adopted as an expression of the guiding principle of a person, organization, city, etc.


a sentence, phrase, or word expressing the spirit or purpose of a person, organization, city, etc., and often inscribed on a badge, banner, etc.


1580–90; < It < LL muttum sound, utterance. See mot


Deciding it really wasn't me ....not having anything come to mine ....decided it is really just another silly thing ask of us ....

my motto is no motto ..I get up do what has to be done if I feel like it (retired you know )eat,sleep,work,..............not thinking about it, just do it ...wait maybe that is a motto

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